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My School Team/Family

I was recently asked to respond to a statement ... I view my school as a family.  I was asked to strongly agree, disagree, remain neutral, agree or strongly agree.   This one was one of the few questions that really stopped and made me think.  How do I feel about the people that I work with and do I think of them as family?  Do I enjoy going to work? Absolutely, I love my job, my students, the amazing people that I work with who challenge me to be better everyday.  Do I respect the people I work with? Absolutely, I work with some of the smartest, most dedicated people that value students and how they learn and grow each day. 

But that wasn't the statement.  Do I view my school as family?  Families can be hard to get a long with, have a multitude of opinions with people that only look out for themselves.  Families are given to us, we do not choose them.  I love my extended family ... but at times things can be tough because we are faced with things that are out of our control.  I chose my husband and I am lucky to have him in my life, but things aren't always easy and no matter what we are stuck together even when the times are hard.  Sometimes things aren't perfect and my littles really wear on my patience.  Sometimes they even treat me with disrespect and test boundaries (they are 1, 3,  and 5 years old).  Sometimes, I just want a break from my family.  I love them with all of my heart and soul, but they can be trying.  No matter what I love them and there truly are what makes me who I am.

So back to that statement ... Do I view my school as family?  I view my school as a place that cares about children and their well-being.  I would give my shirt off my back for the students and staff I serve.  I value every single person that I work with and for.  Schools need to be a place of trust and honesty.  A place where growth is always the first option and when people are struggling we band together to work to help them.

I believe that the hiring process is vital because the last option should be trying to replace someone, with someone better. In a family, you can't replace anyone and you don't get to choose who is part of your family.  “Not all families are functional,” says Deb Best, an HR consultant. Many people have baggage from unmet childhood emotional needs, and expecting work to fill those voids is asking for trouble? So do I view my school as family? 

I do know my immediate family will always come first, right after my relationship with God. I will always be there for my husband, children and my parents first.  I do vow to the school I work in and the staff and students I serve that they will be a close second and that no matter what, I will commit to making sure they are taken care of.  I can't be a great leader until I make sure that I take care of myself and my family and I promised my husband that a long time ago.  On that note, my family knows how important the students and staff are to me and they always support me as I work to continue to create the most amazing place I can for the students and staff I serve. 

I have always promised to create a positive school climate where norms, values, and expectations that support social, emotional, and physical safety are evident.  Where people are engaged and respected. Where all students, families, and educators work together to develop and live a shared school vision.  Where educators model and nurture attitudes that emphasize the benefits gained from learning.  I want every person to contribute to the operations of the school and care of the physical environment.  It starts with trust, a shared vision and an environment that is not only positive, but fun!

I know that schools have many different important contributors each day.  Secretaries, custodians, bus drivers, assistants, teachers, cafeteria employees, speech therapists, etc. Some employees are part time and some are there morning, noon and night.  No matter what, I value each person and promise to make each one feel as they are part of our team.  A common example I use with students is that we are like a football team and that particular student is our quarterback.  If anyone sits down in the middle of the field,  none of us will have the opportunity to score the touchdown.  All I know is there is no doubt every person I work with and for, including the students are incredibly important parts of the team for student success and ultimately a team that will continue to help students in their journey to be the best citizens of our communities.

So to answer the question, do I view school as family? I do, they are an extension of me.  I am blessed to have my amazing family that including my husband, my children, my parents and grandmother.  I am blessed to be part of a church family that I have built amazing relationships with people who serve others.  I am blessed to work with people who want to work with children and guide them to be all they can be.  I commit to everyone ... my personal family, my church family and my work family to continue to work for them and be the best I can be for them.  I also committ to helping those in my families be the absolute best they can be!! 

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