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Using Technology to Enhance Communication and Student Success

One way that I utilize technology is to analyze data and work to ensure all students are getting the academic support they need. In collaboration with other staff members on campus, I have developed the Global Document, which we consistently update with different data in order look at each of our students in a variety of ways. The Global Document includes all standardized test data, beginning, middle and end of the year progress monitoring data, grades, and demographic data.We began a program this year to help close the gap on RTI Tier 1 and Tier 2 students. We have used The Global Document to identify students that have constant gaps in both math and reading and used the data to move students in and out of intervention.Teachers are working with Tier 2 identified students closely monitor intervention and progress in order to help students prepare to be successful and close gaps in either math, reading or both.Teachers of all contents are working with students and students are working on research based computer programs in math and reading which gives data on math and reading levels. Each computer program has developed pathways for students in their area of weakness that is specific to the gaps of that student.Teachers monitor the students on the programs as well as progress monitor in order to track gains.The data from the global document is also given to each grade level teacher with extensive data on their students allowing teachers to get a more complete picture of their students’ academic profile.Teachers are able to make more data informed decisions on student grouping and classroom instruction.

Professional learning communities have been developed to review common assessment data, both summative and formative, in order to allow teachers to collaborate and intervene on classroom instructional decisions regarding students who may need additional instruction on specific content or have the ability to accelerate on topics that they master.Data informed decisions are encouraged throughout the intermediate and middle school grade level teams and content departments.

Another way that I utilize technology is for communication with all stakeholders on our campus and to break down the walls of our school. Social media is used in a variety of ways to communicate with parents and disseminate information regarding the events and other things going on with our campus.

I have also used google documents in a variety of ways in order to get feedback from staff, students and our community. We often survey our students regarding campus climate, procedures and processes. This allows the students an avenue to feel heard. Parents have been given a link to a google document that let me tell us how they wanted to be involved. This allowed teachers to access parents for a variety of ways including having the parents come onto campus to present their expertise areas or volunteer to help with certain events.

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