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Everyone Has a Voice and We Must Listen to Grow

Since I have been in my current position I have lead implementations of campus programs including RTI Tier 2 intervention and Positive Behavior Intervention, Special Education Co-teach and Department Professional Learning Communities. Each of these programs were presented to the campus administration, our campus leadership team and discussed with campus stakeholders. Data continues to be consistently shared with teachers and students in order to keep everyone informed of the impact of the programs. Discipline data allows teachers and students to see the changes since the PBIS implementation was initiated. Additional data has been presented to staff including student and staff attendance and grade trends in order to allow conclusions to be drawn regarding the data impact on student discipline.

Momentum has been built by allowing teachers and students to have continuous input and conversation regarding program implementation and progress. The campus has built an additional PBIS leadership team that includes members from each of the grade levels as well as other stakeholders that are vested in the success of the program. The Tier 2 Intervention program has been designed to allow administration to have consistent meetings with teachers to review student and campus data and allow for input from teachers in order to improve the program and get additional support for students that may need it. Teachers have been able to make suggestions that have greatly improved the intervention process for the students and work together to create motivational aspects of the programs for the students. Departmental professional learning communities have been put in place in order to develop conversations regarding both formative and summative common assessment data.

Teachers have received training during this time on ways to implement common assessments that produce useful data that can be used to make instructional decisions. Professional development is also an important part of teacher buy in and continuous improvement. Collaborative professional development sessions have been development in order to allow teachers to share their expertise with each other. Additional professional development sessions have been presented in order to support campus implementations such as PBIS, common assessment data collection and RTI.

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