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Stakeholder Collaboration and The Master Schedule

The development of our master schedule and how we have added teacher collaboration to help students that have grade level gaps has been my best collaboration thus far. I knew our teachers needed assistance with students that were coming to them not completely prepared to be successful on grade level curriculum. The teachers have a packed curriculum and finding time to fill gaps is tough. The initial desire was to have each team off at the same time in order to spend extra tutorial time with their struggling students. I worked on getting this schedule complete my first year at my current school.

By the third year and with the help of administration, we have been able to see the second planning period come into play, allowing for a structured way to increase interventions for our students that are behind. This task started with a goal I had in mind and I reached out to my colleagues for their expertise and collaboration. I was able to get a modified version of this schedule for this year and now as we plan to move toward next year the intended goal is obtainable and will be our master schedule for this year. My current campus was driven and had different expectations that previous places I had worked so it took time to establish trust and have others on our administrative team understand the positive effects of what this plan would do for students. Data from last year supported the new schedule and if I was allowed to modify it even more, the opportunity for student success would increase.

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