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My Experience


Grades 9-12

January 2021 -Present

Gainesville High School has been an amazing and new experience. I currently supervise a third of the students and a variety of staff.  I have learned an enormous amount about the graduation process and have thoroughly enjoyed working with numerous students helping them ensure their graduation.  I currently support the AVID and PBIS programs at GHS.  I also support the science team and am working to ensure students successful in a variety of ways.  The administration team is extremely supportive and we work hard to develop a culture where teachers, staff, parents and students feel safe and heard.   Being a part of the Instructional Leadership Team has opened many doors to campus goal setting and the support of new requirements amidst the COVID pandemic. 

I have had the amazing opportunity to involve teachers in rewarding students for positive behavior through our PRIDE positive reward program.  Students are recognized for meeting or exceeding campus expectations and parents are informed of their positive choices.  The AVID program continues to grow and we are looking forward to attending Summer seminar and working to develop AVID as an ingrained part of the GHS culture.  My family has moved to the area and look forward to continuing to make Gainesville our home.


Grades K-5

July 2019 - January 2021

As the assistant principal at Bell Elementary I had the opportunity to work with students and staff at the younger age levels.  Although I have worked with elementary students, I have enjoyed my time with Kindergarten through 4th grade this year.  This year, I was able to bring my PBIS experience to Bell as I led the implementation of common area PBIS strategies in order to continue ensure safety and positive behavior at Bell.  I learned so much from my time at Bell.


Grades 5 - 8
August 2014 - July 2019

As an assistant principal at TMS I was given amazing opportunities to create and implement initiative new to the entire district.  This year I developed a master schedule that allowed the implementation of co-teach special education course implementation across all 4 grade levels.  Over the 4 years at TMS I led the implementation and coordinated a successful RTI Tier II Campus Level Intervention Program, My first year at TMS, I introduced and coordinated a very successful Positive Behavior Intervention Support initiative.  I was given the opportunity to create and update our Campus Improvement Plan  as well as facilitate Campus Education Improvement Committee Meetings which includes community members and parents.  I continue to coordinate team and department meetings focused on collaborative planning and data driven decision making and facilitate data talks with teachers.  I also facilitate teacher appraisals focused on improving quality TIER I classroom instruction and student engagement.  I have served as the campus liaison for advanced academics, 504, and RTI.  I have also collaboratively worked to create teacher driven and taught professional development opportunities.  My time at TMS has allowed me to supervise and support the Science, Math, English and Special Education departments and teachers within.  I have been a member of the Assistant Principal Cohort for KISD, a mentor for a new assistant principal within the district.   I was a lead member of the district ROCK Anti-Bullying Leadership and Keller ISD District PBIS Trainer of Trainers.


Grades 7 and 8
August 2011 - August 2014

Indian Springs was my first opportunity as an assistant principal in Keller ISD in 2010.  While there I implemented and coordinated the RTI Tier II Documentation processes.  I worked to facilitate data talks with teachers focusing on what is done well in the classroom and what is needed to improve student performance in the classroom.  Throughout my experience at ISMS I monitored teacher access center, failure rates, and other academic concerns.  I was the campus liaison for advanced academics, 504, and RTI.  I was also the lead for campus professional development opportunities for teachers on campus (monthly instructional meetings and staff development days), I was responsible for bus management; including schedule, parent communication, and discipline, I worked with district staff to train teachers at ISMS on the VESTED lesson planning strategies and was on the  implementation committee member for ISMS and member of the assistant principal cohort for KISD.  Keller ISD also granted me the privilege to mentor for new assistant principal at another campus.  Indian Springs also allowed me the opportunity to implement social media communications with all stakeholders using Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and Pinterest.


August 2011 - August 2014

Moving to Trinity Springs Middle School in Keller ISD allowed me new opportunities to gain leadership experience as the Science Department Head.  As the campus department head I was able to lead and demonstrate instructional leadership.  y experiences at TSMS gave me the assist in the development, implementation and supervision of department’s content standards, I also facilitated the development of programs and monitored the implementation of  curriculum that meets the needs of all the students, I was part of the district science curriculum writing for the three years I was a teacher in Keller ISD.  I was devoted to creating student centered learner spaces focusing on the teacher as the facilitator,  I led the implementation of an ongoing program of student work evaluation.  I also continually analyzed and utilized all standardized and common assessment data for the improvement of curriculum for instruction. My mission was to maintain a school-wide climate and organization for learning that included high expectations, cooperation, support, and positive attitudes.  To this day I pride myself on working to Identify and communicate effective teaching strategies, classroom management strategies, and strategies for influencing student behaviors.  My department leadership role allowed me to model effective instruction, Assist in strengthening lesson plans and provide guidance on curriculum alignment, Incorporate computer and other technology into the management and instructional processes,  I feel that I communicate effectively with parents, students, colleagues, and administrators as well as involve students in citizenship roles and support meaningful hands on learning experiences.  During this time I was also given an amazing opportunity to be accepted to the district Leadership Academy where I worked with district staff to further develop my leadership skills.


August 2003 - August 2008

My teaching experience as DWP began in 2003 as I taught 6th and 7th grade science.  After three years I was granted the opportunity to lead the newly adopted discipline program for the school as the discipline coordinator.  Make Your Day, a program out of Washington state promoted intrinsic motivation and immediate communication regarding behavior at DeWitt Perry Middle School.  I lead the design and implementation of this school wide discipline program.  As the coordinator, my responsibilities included creating and the oversight of all professional development for teachers on school wide discipline program.  I also worked with the campus technology specialist to develop and implement school wide internet based discipline referral and tracking system, I was the coordinator for all tardy monitoring and consequences for 6th, 7th, and 8th grade students.  As a student need arose my role was to facilitate immediate parent conferences for discipline infractions.  In addition, I tracked teacher participation of student intrinsic motivation in all classrooms and hallways.  My role also allowed me the amazing opportunity to coordinate and lead student and teacher bimonthly committee meetings.



University of North Texas


November 2014 - Present

I consider myself a lifelong learner and continued education has always been important to me.  My district offered a cohort through The University of North Texas for the Superintendent Certification in 2014. After the completion of the initial courses needed to sit for the exam, I was granted admission to the Doctoral Program at the University and decided to pursue my degree while my children were still very young.  It has been an amazing experience and with my research done and only two chapters to complete of my dissertation, I plan to graduate this coming May 2018.  My study is focused on the necessary aptitudes and propensities for secondary online learners. I look forward to defending my dissertation in late March.


August 2005 - December 2007

I completed the Master of Educational Leadership and obtained my Principal Certification through the University of North Texas.  This program emphasized theory and research to inform educational leaders in making decisions regarding positive school culture, effective teaching practices, and student achievement.


August 1995 - May 2000

Born and raised in the DFW area, the option to not move too far away from home and still establish some independence landed me at The University of North Texas.  With the initial desire to become a doctor and the love for learning about how the body works, I began my studies in Biology and Chemistry.  After graduating, I decided that teaching was my true calling and began the process of getting the necessary certifications through Region X to allow me inside the classroom teaching science.  Truly the best decision I ever made!

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