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Believing in the Mission, Vision and Values of Your School

The mission and values of an organization relate to the organizations purpose. They answer the questions; who are we, what do we value and where to we see ourselves going. If the mission and values are clearly communicated and the stakeholders understand and collective share that mission and vision, performance increases and the campus will have increased student achievement. It is vital to ensure that campus strategies and objectives are also aligned with the mission and values. The mission statement tells exactly what the purpose of the campus or organization is.

Timberview Middle School inspires leadership through exceptional learning experiences and active involvement in our community. This effectively gives guidance for staff and students that all activities, both academic and social-emotional, should lead toward that leadership. In addition to communicating the purpose and to inform strategy development, the mission should also be used to develop the goals and objectives of the campus. Using that as guiding principals can help gauge the success of the campus through those measurable goals.

Values communicate the beliefs of the group or campus and most often are emotionally invested. It is important to communicate both the mission and the vision during the hiring process in order to ensure that new teachers and staff wanting to join the campus share both the mission and the belief. With both the mission and values in place and continuously revisited, staff and students can also reflect on their practices in order to continue to strive to work toward that mission.

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